General TSO Journal RETURNS… Again.

You may have noticed some changes around the website. That is because my site had been hacked. I tried to rebuild it. I failed. I lost my entire article archive. As such I’m gonna be starting from scratch. This is nothing new to me, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel sad about the loss of all of those stories. More importantly, all of the restaurants I visited must be visited again. I suppose it’s not all bad.

I realized that I’ve spent a lot of time in restaurants. I’ve worked in several eating establishments. I find it comforting to go out with friends to a restaurant. Perhaps more importantly, a girl relationship with my dad through restaurants. unfortunately, I’m in a season of my life where going out to restaurants is exactly as easy as it was only a short year ago.

The Story

Can you smell it?

I’m working harder to develop habits that will help me break into the career I have always wanted. I fight back and forth with myself about this being a matter of motivation. I don’t wanna consider motivation as being the key to creating the success I’m after. I’m starting to believe that motivation, and the pursuit of it, is like relying on emotions to determine what’s factual and what’s not. Both motivation and emotions fluctuate. What I’m starting to learn is to create a habit, then practice the habit. Continually practicing good habits creates the motivation to keep going.

A great example of this is my blog. It started fairly strong. Then as time went on, I stopped practicing the habit of writing for the blog. Posts became fewer and far between. I kept making excuses as to when I would post more regularly. The hard truth is I let myself get overwhelmed. I stopped thinking about what I should do right now and focused way too much on the bigger picture. don’t get me wrong. It is important to have a look at the bigger picture. My problem is that I didn’t focus enough on what I needed to do right now at the moment. I stopped practicing my habit.

The Lesson

Someone said to me that you only fail if you stop. I don’t really wanna chalk this blog up to it being a failure because I’m not ready to quit. I still have this grand dream of having a coffee table book with pictures and excerpts from my adventures.

So without further ado we’re going to pick up where are the last iteration of the blog left off and start again. I surmise that the best way to do this is to build off of what I have left, the pictures. Thankfully I back those up. Moving forward, I do plan to make sure that I have all of my articles backed up someplace else convenient so I can retrieve them should this problem ever happen again.

2021 Thanksgiving Special

Another Year To Be Thankful It is that time of...

ER S1E5: My Story...

Not the End, But the Beginning I have been guilty...

ER S1E4: My Story...

Looking Back… I didn’t realize just how much of my...

ER S1E3: My Story...

Where to Begin I committed myself when I started this...

ER S1E2: How Will...

What if? It is written, “…let us strip off every...

ER S1E1: Finishing Recovery…?

The journey that never ends. “You’re either working on your...

2021 Thanksgiving Special

Another Year To Be Thankful It is that time of year again!  I can’t say enough about God’s growth in my life during 2021.  God...

ER S1E5: My Story Pt. 3

Not the End, But the Beginning I have been guilty of saying that I lived a boring life.  In the process of making this series,...

ER S1E4: My Story Pt.2

Looking Back… I didn’t realize just how much of my life was still in my memory.  Story after story, my mind latched onto a lot...

ER S1E3: My Story Pt.1

Where to Begin I committed myself when I started this podcast.  I wanted to be as honest and upfront with my listeners as I could. ...

ER S1E2: How Will I Finish?

What if? It is written, “…let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And...

ER S1E1: Finishing Recovery…?

The journey that never ends. “You’re either working on your recovery or your working on your next relapse.”  ~The Traveling CR’s Man. I latched onto...

2020 Thanks Giving Special

The Silver Lining The encroaching paranoia of meeting my fate with every door nob I touched tried to snuff out any sanity that I held onto...